Manager: Social Services
Meet our team of social heroes, working tirelessly to create social change.
Manager: Social Services
Office Coordinator and Social Worker rendering Mediation services
Social worker rendering Mediation services
Community Development worker
Risk Assessment social worker – Parow Park, Eureka
Risk Assessment social worker – Parow, Parow Valley
Risk Assessment social worker – Ravensmead
Risk Assessment social worker - Connaught, Cravenby, Ravensmead
Risk Assessment Intake social worker
Foster care supervision social worker – Ravensmead
Foster care supervision social worker – Uitsig, Connaught & Cravenby
Foster care supervision social worker – Parow, Parow Valley & Eureka
Social Auxiliary Worker in the Foster Care Supervision team
Family Reunification social worker- Uitsig, Cannaught, Cravenby, Ravensmead
Family Reunification social worker – Parow, Parow Valley, Parow Park, Eureka & Ravensmead
Family Reunification Social Auxiliary Worker, Coordinator of the ECD Programmes
Community Development worker
Assistant Community Development Worker
Administrative Manager
Office Assistant